11Feb Turn Up the Warmth in Any Room If the walls of your home feature little more than an IKEA bulletin board and a couple of old AC/DC posters, your home is probably about as a warm as the set of a detective show... Jaime Comment | 1 views | 1263
08Feb Don’t Be Afraid of the Art I have some friends who need to be coaxed into visiting art galleries. Does anyone else feel that way? Nancy Comments | 4 views | 1258
04Feb No More Sunsets: Avoiding Clichéd Travel Photography For me, the challenge to collecting travel photography is to evoke a sense of a place without falling for the obvious images of that place... Nancy Comment | 1 views | 1599
02Feb Portraiture: From the Bombast & Bluster of LBJ to the Downright Sheepish Portraits often depict very powerful people — those who have a lot of control of the world around them. Yet they are still art... Penelope Comment | 0 views | 1291