Peter Bloomfield
Philadelphia, PA United States
Peter Bloomfield is a Philadelphia based artist and architect. Throughout his career, his two dimensional work and buildings have informed one another with one consistent component: both thoughtfully respond to specific locales. His paintings, d... More
Artist Statement:
Peter Bloomfield is a Philadelphia based artist and architect. Throughout his career, his two dimensional work and buildings have informed one another with one consistent component: both thoughtfully respond to specific locales.
His paintings, drawings and prints largely divide into three categories: People, Places and Things. Peter’s process often begins with hand sketches then paint, photography and collected iconography from his travels are added back in the studio. These thoughtful observations result in a rich layering of texture, shape and color. His work is on display in private, corporate and institutional buildings across the United States.
His paintings, drawings and prints largely divide into three categories: People, Places and Things. Peter’s process often begins with hand sketches then paint, photography and collected iconography from his travels are added back in the studio. These thoughtful observations result in a rich layering of texture, shape and color. His work is on display in private, corporate and institutional buildings across the United States.
University of Oregon - Master of Architecture
Kenyon College - Bachelor of Arts
Kenyon College - Bachelor of Arts
Artistic Influences:
I embrace the influence of others in my work; if lucky, I get to stand on the shoulders of giants. Among many others, I’ve looked to the Abstract Expressionists such as Frankenthaler, Rivers, Rothko and Kline on matters of composition as well as regionalists such as Thomas Hart Benton and Grant Wood for color and configuration. I’m no Stuart Davis or Andy Warhol but I believe that, were they working today, they would be fascinated by some of the digital means and materials available to them.
Artist Tags:
travel, industrial, color, texture, digital, architectural
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