Artist Statement:
Laura Federici was born in Rieti in 1964. She lives and works in Rome. However, she traveled often to Syria, where she participated in exhibitions andworkshops held in Damascus and Aleppo. In 1999 she created 12 animated sequences for the film "Un Amore"; by Gianluca Tavarelli, which won the Nice- New York-San Francisco Film Festival.
She has exhibited widely internationally, and recently, at the Macro Museum of Rome and in Vietnam with her new project "Mekong's Diary".
"Laura Federici's body of work debates the reality of urban lives and the relations which connect us to the environment showing how space affects our memories, creating a new language of forms and colours. Federici's blissful canvases draw the viewer in whether they depict the elevated highway running through Rome or the courtyards of the mosques in Damascus, effectively gripping our minds. Objects shown in detail or close-ups become anchors to hold on to, lest we get caught in contemporary ‘mobility’ and fall ill with disorientation. They are rafts to get on to, when the fluidity of things make us all strangers, with no space to occupy.” (from an article by art critic Arianna di Genova).
She has exhibited widely internationally, and recently, at the Macro Museum of Rome and in Vietnam with her new project "Mekong's Diary".
"Laura Federici's body of work debates the reality of urban lives and the relations which connect us to the environment showing how space affects our memories, creating a new language of forms and colours. Federici's blissful canvases draw the viewer in whether they depict the elevated highway running through Rome or the courtyards of the mosques in Damascus, effectively gripping our minds. Objects shown in detail or close-ups become anchors to hold on to, lest we get caught in contemporary ‘mobility’ and fall ill with disorientation. They are rafts to get on to, when the fluidity of things make us all strangers, with no space to occupy.” (from an article by art critic Arianna di Genova).
Laura Federici attended Liceo Classico and is graduated in Architecture.
Professional/Teaching Experience:
2009/2020 Contract lecturer at IED in Rome, form Graphic Design, Interior course,
2018/19 Docente di Graphic Design all’ Accademia di Belle Arti di Frosinone
2013 “Fine Art Visiting Lecture” – Green Room, Headington Hill Hall, Oxford Brookes University(UK)
2013 “Lecture/Workshop” – School of Architecture, Oxford Brookes University (UK)
2018 “MY ITALIAN LANDSCAPE_ Lecture/Workshop” – Casa Italia_Ambasciata Generale d’Italia ad Hanoi, Vietnam
2018 “MY ITALIAN LANDSCAPE_ Lecture” – Temple University, Roma
2018 “Lecture/Workshop” – Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology, Varsavia
2019 “MY ITALIAN LANDSCAPE_ Lecture/Workshop” – IUAV, Venezia
2019 “MY ITALIAN LANDSCAPE_ Lecture/Workshop” – Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Varsavia, Polonia
2018/19 Docente di Graphic Design all’ Accademia di Belle Arti di Frosinone
2013 “Fine Art Visiting Lecture” – Green Room, Headington Hill Hall, Oxford Brookes University(UK)
2013 “Lecture/Workshop” – School of Architecture, Oxford Brookes University (UK)
2018 “MY ITALIAN LANDSCAPE_ Lecture/Workshop” – Casa Italia_Ambasciata Generale d’Italia ad Hanoi, Vietnam
2018 “MY ITALIAN LANDSCAPE_ Lecture” – Temple University, Roma
2018 “Lecture/Workshop” – Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology, Varsavia
2019 “MY ITALIAN LANDSCAPE_ Lecture/Workshop” – IUAV, Venezia
2019 “MY ITALIAN LANDSCAPE_ Lecture/Workshop” – Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Varsavia, Polonia
2019 ‘’GREEN_TA - Atelier #3’’, museo MACRO_ASILO, Roma
2019 ‘’MY LANDSCAPE’’ - Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Varsavia, Polonia
catalogue with an introduction by Alberto Dambruoso
2019 ‘’Roma_Saigon, andata e ritorno’’– Galleria Andrè, Roma
2018 ‘’Paesaggi Urbani: ORIZZONTI’’ - I.U.A.V. Venezia
catalogue with an introduction by Aldo Aymonino
2018 “Newborns Vietnam’’ silent Auction, Metropole, Ambasciata Generale d’Italia ad Hanoi, Vietnam
2017 “ROME”, Casa Italia_Ambasciata Generale d’Italia ad Hanoi, Vietnam
2017 “HOME” ARTIST RESIDENCY PROJECT, Laura Federici _ Nguyen ?am Thuy,
Fine Arts Museum HCMC_Vietnam
2016 “il mare ci vince” – Galleria Andrè, Roma
catalogue with an introduction by Claudio Crescentini, Francesca Lombardi.
2014 “peintures de laura federici” – gallerie Brieve, Mairie13 Parigi (FR)
2013 “lungo viaggio al centro della periferia” – Casa dell’Architettura, Acquario Romano, Roma
2012 “Km0 Kilometro Zero” – Galleria the house of love and dissent , Roma
catalogue with an introduction by Gregorio Botta.
2012 “racconti” – Chiostro di S.Nicolò , Festival dei due Mondi, Spoleto (PG)
2012 “l’artista del mese” – Galleria Andrè, Roma
2011 “seduti al contrario” – Galleria l’Affiche, Milano
catalogue with an introduction by Lea Mattarella
2008 “Un posto qualunque” – Galleria l’Affiche, Milano
catalogue with an introduction by Daniele Luchetti, Italo Lupi
2007 “Il segno di giugno” - Laura Federici e Benito Mayor Vallejo - Galleria Il Segno, Roma
2007 “Frame Flows” - Rocca di Umbertide Centro per l’Arte Contemporanea, Umbertide (Perugia)
Curator Francesca Antonini, catalogue with an introduction by Daniele Luchetti
2006 “Laura Federici” - Palazzo Comunale, Rieti
2004 “Passi perduti” - Galleria Studio Morbiducci, Roma
catalogue with an introduction by di Arianna di Genova
2002 “voyage” - Beit Ahmad, Aleppo (SYR)
catalogue with an introduction by di Arianna di Genova
2000 “Un amore” - Festival del Corto di Trevignano (Roma)
1999 “In viaggio” - Librogalleria Il ferro di cavallo, Roma
1999 “Laura Federici” - Museo della Resistenza, Palazzo dei Diamanti, Ferrara
1998 “Laura Federici” - Galleria Schancaleng, Ferrara
Group shows
2019 ‘’ITALIA dwa SPOJRZENIA’’ Laury Federici, Pauliny Kopestyllskiej, Dzi?kujemy Gmina Micha?owice, Varsavia
2018 “Istanti di luce.Giancarlino B. Corcos, Laura Federici e Jérôme Glomaud” – Galleria Andrè, Roma
2017 “outside/inside/out ARTE A REGINA COELI”- Laura Federici, Camelia Mirescu, Pax Paloscia” – MACRO Via
Nizza, Roma
2017 “I BIENNALE KARACHI”- Karachi, Pakistan
2017 “Arte Globale – Group exhibition”, London
2016 “Muri Socchiusi” - Laura Federici, Camelia Mirescu, Pax Paloscia” – MACRO Via Nizza, Roma
2016 “Luigi Belli, Laura Federici, Lena Salvatori” – Studio Lombard DCA, Milano
2015 “NOW” – Palazzo del Colegio Romano, Sala della Crocera, Roma
2014 “Nuova pittura urbana, Streat Art in biblioteca” – Biblioteca Nicolini, Corviale, Roma
2014 “Raw >>> Goods” – Gallery of Art at Temple University Rome, Roma
2014 “Collettiva”, Artisti ai Banchi, Roma
2013 “Raccontami una storia” Festival della letteratura di viaggio, Roma Villa Celimontana/
Palazzo delle Esposizioni
2012 “CICDAF-Festival Internazionale di Cinema Digitale e d’Animazione” – Changzhou, Cina
2011 “Laura Federici, Alessandro Finocchiaro, Zeljka Simic”, Galleria Andrè, Roma
2011 “Video/Vision”, Galleria Temporanea, Ca’ Foscari 2 – Ca’ Foscari Cinema, Venezia,
Galleria White Box, New York.
2011 “My Home”, Galleria Il Sole Arte Contemporanea, Roma
2008 Galleria 3)5 Arte Contemporanea, Rieti
2007 Festival della Creatività, Fortezza da Basso, Firenze
2007 “Il segno di giugno” - Laura Federici e Benito Mayor Vallejo - Galleria Il Segno, Roma
2007 “Cartoons all’italiana” - Fondazione Bandera per l’Arte, Busto Arsizio (Varese)
2006 “Annecy Cinéma Italien”, Annecy (F)
2005 “80+10=90 anni x l’arte” - Galleria Studio Morbiducci, Roma
2003 “Des Artistes dans la Ville” - Ateliers Mediterranées de Damas (F)
Con il patrocinio dell’Unione Europea
2002 “La Syrie dans les regards de l’Europe” - Beit Ahmad, Aleppo (SYR) with the support of the European Union
2001 “Viaggio in Siria” - Beit Ahmad, Aleppo (SYR) with the support of the European Union
2019 ‘’MY LANDSCAPE’’ - Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Varsavia, Polonia
catalogue with an introduction by Alberto Dambruoso
2019 ‘’Roma_Saigon, andata e ritorno’’– Galleria Andrè, Roma
2018 ‘’Paesaggi Urbani: ORIZZONTI’’ - I.U.A.V. Venezia
catalogue with an introduction by Aldo Aymonino
2018 “Newborns Vietnam’’ silent Auction, Metropole, Ambasciata Generale d’Italia ad Hanoi, Vietnam
2017 “ROME”, Casa Italia_Ambasciata Generale d’Italia ad Hanoi, Vietnam
2017 “HOME” ARTIST RESIDENCY PROJECT, Laura Federici _ Nguyen ?am Thuy,
Fine Arts Museum HCMC_Vietnam
2016 “il mare ci vince” – Galleria Andrè, Roma
catalogue with an introduction by Claudio Crescentini, Francesca Lombardi.
2014 “peintures de laura federici” – gallerie Brieve, Mairie13 Parigi (FR)
2013 “lungo viaggio al centro della periferia” – Casa dell’Architettura, Acquario Romano, Roma
2012 “Km0 Kilometro Zero” – Galleria the house of love and dissent , Roma
catalogue with an introduction by Gregorio Botta.
2012 “racconti” – Chiostro di S.Nicolò , Festival dei due Mondi, Spoleto (PG)
2012 “l’artista del mese” – Galleria Andrè, Roma
2011 “seduti al contrario” – Galleria l’Affiche, Milano
catalogue with an introduction by Lea Mattarella
2008 “Un posto qualunque” – Galleria l’Affiche, Milano
catalogue with an introduction by Daniele Luchetti, Italo Lupi
2007 “Il segno di giugno” - Laura Federici e Benito Mayor Vallejo - Galleria Il Segno, Roma
2007 “Frame Flows” - Rocca di Umbertide Centro per l’Arte Contemporanea, Umbertide (Perugia)
Curator Francesca Antonini, catalogue with an introduction by Daniele Luchetti
2006 “Laura Federici” - Palazzo Comunale, Rieti
2004 “Passi perduti” - Galleria Studio Morbiducci, Roma
catalogue with an introduction by di Arianna di Genova
2002 “voyage” - Beit Ahmad, Aleppo (SYR)
catalogue with an introduction by di Arianna di Genova
2000 “Un amore” - Festival del Corto di Trevignano (Roma)
1999 “In viaggio” - Librogalleria Il ferro di cavallo, Roma
1999 “Laura Federici” - Museo della Resistenza, Palazzo dei Diamanti, Ferrara
1998 “Laura Federici” - Galleria Schancaleng, Ferrara
Group shows
2019 ‘’ITALIA dwa SPOJRZENIA’’ Laury Federici, Pauliny Kopestyllskiej, Dzi?kujemy Gmina Micha?owice, Varsavia
2018 “Istanti di luce.Giancarlino B. Corcos, Laura Federici e Jérôme Glomaud” – Galleria Andrè, Roma
2017 “outside/inside/out ARTE A REGINA COELI”- Laura Federici, Camelia Mirescu, Pax Paloscia” – MACRO Via
Nizza, Roma
2017 “I BIENNALE KARACHI”- Karachi, Pakistan
2017 “Arte Globale – Group exhibition”, London
2016 “Muri Socchiusi” - Laura Federici, Camelia Mirescu, Pax Paloscia” – MACRO Via Nizza, Roma
2016 “Luigi Belli, Laura Federici, Lena Salvatori” – Studio Lombard DCA, Milano
2015 “NOW” – Palazzo del Colegio Romano, Sala della Crocera, Roma
2014 “Nuova pittura urbana, Streat Art in biblioteca” – Biblioteca Nicolini, Corviale, Roma
2014 “Raw >>> Goods” – Gallery of Art at Temple University Rome, Roma
2014 “Collettiva”, Artisti ai Banchi, Roma
2013 “Raccontami una storia” Festival della letteratura di viaggio, Roma Villa Celimontana/
Palazzo delle Esposizioni
2012 “CICDAF-Festival Internazionale di Cinema Digitale e d’Animazione” – Changzhou, Cina
2011 “Laura Federici, Alessandro Finocchiaro, Zeljka Simic”, Galleria Andrè, Roma
2011 “Video/Vision”, Galleria Temporanea, Ca’ Foscari 2 – Ca’ Foscari Cinema, Venezia,
Galleria White Box, New York.
2011 “My Home”, Galleria Il Sole Arte Contemporanea, Roma
2008 Galleria 3)5 Arte Contemporanea, Rieti
2007 Festival della Creatività, Fortezza da Basso, Firenze
2007 “Il segno di giugno” - Laura Federici e Benito Mayor Vallejo - Galleria Il Segno, Roma
2007 “Cartoons all’italiana” - Fondazione Bandera per l’Arte, Busto Arsizio (Varese)
2006 “Annecy Cinéma Italien”, Annecy (F)
2005 “80+10=90 anni x l’arte” - Galleria Studio Morbiducci, Roma
2003 “Des Artistes dans la Ville” - Ateliers Mediterranées de Damas (F)
Con il patrocinio dell’Unione Europea
2002 “La Syrie dans les regards de l’Europe” - Beit Ahmad, Aleppo (SYR) with the support of the European Union
2001 “Viaggio in Siria” - Beit Ahmad, Aleppo (SYR) with the support of the European Union
Artistic Influences:
Gauguin, Munch, Pasolini, Antonioni and Bach
Artist Tags:
expressionism, abstract, modern, fine art, figurative, landscape, city, urban , nature, rome
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