When a year is so fresh and new as it is today, we may have some goals for the year in mind, but we might not know exactly how those goals will play out in detail. In fact, it’s the details I think of as being very hazy and abstract right now. I mean that in a good way – a little mystery is healthy! We are so used to instant gratification in our world today, why not let things remain undefined for a while? As long as you can, is a good start. To get you motivated to see beauty in the abstract, here are some original abstract works of art from our gallery at Zatista.com. Hope you love them as much as we do. Happy New Year!
HOMO FABER / HOMO LUDENS #3 by Dieter Schlatter Painting, Acrylic on Canvas 48.0 inch x 96.0 inch $6,156
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